Question Bank on Vegetables - Food Production Notes

Question Bank on Vegetables - Food Production Notes. Here I will be providing questions answers on Vegetables.

Question 1: Classify Vegetables with Examples?
ANS: Vegetables can be classified by the parts of plant.

  • Roots like Carrot and Reddish
  • Tubers like Potatoes and Artichokes 
  • Bulbs like Onions and Garlic
  • Leaves like Cabbage and Spinach
  • Flowers like Cauliflower and Broccoli 
  • Fruits like Tomato and Cucumber
  • Seeds like Peas and Soyabean
  • Stems like Celery and Asparagus 
  • Fungi like Mushroom and Truffles
Question 2: Name any five cuts of Vegetables?
ANS: They are:
  • Julienne
  • Brunoise
  • Jardiniere 
  • Macedoine
  • Paysanne
Question 3: What are the Chemical Compounds that occur in Vegetables?
ANS: They are:
  • Pigment like Chlorophyll, Anthocyanin, Flavons etc.
  • Tanins responsible for astringent properties. Also responsible for discoloration when cut and cooked. 

  • Enzymes namely Ascorbic Oxidase and Phenoloxidase 
  • Flavoring Principles are the organic compounds responsible for various flavors in the vegetables. 
Question 4: What are the effects of heat on vegetables?
ANS: They are: 
  • Change in Texture
  • Change in Color
  • Change in Flavor 
Question 5: Name 20 Vegetables in English and Hindi Names?
ANS: They are:
  • Cauliflower (Fool Gobhi)
  • Coriander Leaf (Dhaniya)
  • Corn (Makka) 
  • Celery (Aamjamoda) 
  • Chilli (Mirchi)
  • Cucumber (Kheera) 
  • Curry Leaf (Kadhi Patta)
  • Egg Plant (Baigan)
  • Fenugreek Leaf (Hari Methi)
  • Garlic (Lahasun)
  • Ginger (Adarak) 
  • Green chilli (Haree Mirch) 
  • Green beans (Haree Sem)
  • Jackfruit (Katahal)
  • Lady Finger (Bhindee)
  • Mushroom 
  • Onion (Pyaz)
  • Peas (Matar)
  • Pointed Groud (Paraval)
  • Potato (Aaloo)
Question 6: What are the 5 principles of cooking vegetables? 
ANS: They are:
  • Vegetables should never be over-cooked
  • Vegetables should be cut uniformly for evenly cooking
  • Vegetables should not be soaked in water for no reason
  • To preserve vitamins and to reduce the time of cooking, water should be used as little as possible.
  • Green vegetables should be started in hot boiling water and root vegetables in cold water.
Question 7: Name some High Carb (Carbohydrates) Vegetables?
ANS: They are:

  • Potato
  • Beetroot
  • Green peas 
  • Corn
Question 8: Why vegetables should not be soaked in water for too long?
ANS: It removes out its flavors and nutrients 

Question 9: What is the compound that gives vegetables it's green color?
ANS: Chlorophyll 

Question 10: Name that pigment responsible for giving Beet, Red Cabbage and Blueberries it's Red Color?
ANS: Anthocyanins


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