Quick French Notes - Introducing Yourself, Saying Thanks and You're Welcome. Greeting. French Numbers, Months, Days and Time

Quick French Notes - Introducing Yourself, Saying Thanks and You're Welcome. Greetings in French both Informal and Formal. French Numbers, Months, Days and Time. These are the QUICK FRENCH notes. -------------------- INTRODUCING YOURSELF CASUAL: salute, je m'appelle arpit (hi, i am arpit) enchantee de te rencontrer (nice to meet you) FORMAL: bonjour, je m'appelle arpit chaudhary (good morning, i am arpit chaudhary) je suis enchantee de vous rencontrer (i am deligted to meet you) - ------------ SAYING THANKS AND YOU'RE WELCOME CASUAL: merci is thank you merci beacoup is thank you very much where beaucoup means alot FORMAL: je vous remercie means i give thanks to you CASUAL: de rien. means it's nothing you're welcome FORMAL: or je vous en prie means i beg you to do it, you're welcome ---------------- GREET PEOPLE CASUAL: Salut! - means hi. hello. goodbye FORMAL: Bonjour! - means Good day, good morning or good afterno...